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Our PTA Bylaws and Standing Rules are posted here.

Haslet Elementary Parent Teacher Association Bylaws

The name of this nonprofit association shall be the Haslet Elementary Parent Teacher Association (PTA) in Haslet, Texas. It is a Local PTA organized under the authority of Texas Congress of Parents and Teachers (Texas PTA), a branch of National Congress of Parents and Teachers (National PTA). The IRS assigned EIN is 756062489. The assigned Texas PTA ID number is 4566.

Click here to view the complete bylaws.

Haslet Elementary PTA Standing Rules

The name of this PTA local unit is: Haslet Elementary PTA # 4566. It was chartered on January 29, 1988.


This PTA serves the children of the Northwest ISD in the Haslet school community, based on current boundary lines, which includes the residences and businesses in the Haslet Elementary school enrollment area.


This PTA was granted tax-exempt status under SecOon 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in 2004 (Fed ID # 75-6062489).

Click here to view the complete Standing Rules

Haslet Elementary School

1188 Wisdom Way Dr.

Haslet, TX 76052

(817) 215-0850

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