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Mission and Goals

Haslet Elementary School PTA Mission:
To build a strong, cooperative relationship between parents, teachers, and staff to fulfill the educational potential for every student.

TX PTA Mission:
To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

National PTA Mission:
To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children. To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children. To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of our nation.

Continue to improve communication between school and families through PTA website, social media, and email notifications.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle initiative and sponsor student activities, awareness and success for their personal and academic achievements.

Haslet Elementary School

1188 Wisdom Way Dr.

Haslet, TX 76052

(817) 215-0850

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